Springfield Police Digital Timeline

Timeline of Springfield's adventure into the world of zeros and ones.

October 9, 1996 Begin digital mode.
All outside users shut out.
F1 460.125, F2 460.475 (used to be F5)
October 11, 1996 Back to analog.
System probably failed. :)
October 14, 1996 Analog in the morning. Digital in the afternoon.
Radio traffic seems to be on channel 2.
Radio maintenance testing analog & digital on main channel.
Like I thought before, it's broken already.
Radio maintenance was talking on state police channel,
announcing they were testing the new radio system.
This is possibly a crossband repeater system.
October 15, 1996 Analog in the morning again. System must still be broke.
Evening still in the clear.
October 16, 1996 Still in analog.
In the afternoon, dispatch was digital and patrols were analog. Huh?
October 17, 1996 -
October 22, 1996
All units & dispatch in analog.
October 23, 1996 All units & dispatch in analog on channel 2.
Main channel doesn't seem to work at all, not even in analog.
Late evening, radio maintenance seemed to be testing digital mode.
October 24, 1996 -
November 17, 1996
All units & dispatch in analog back on main channel.
November 18, 1996 -
November 20, 1996
All units & dispatch in analog back on channel 2.
Main channel doesn't seem to work at again.
November 21, 1996 -
May 22, 1997
All units in analog back on main channel.
They seemed to be having problems with channel 2, although I was
hearing everyone just fine. After the first day,
channel 2 seemed okay.
May 23, 1997 -
Current Day
All units in full digital on main channel.
Digital mode sounds different now. A .WAV file sample is on the Scramble page.

Check back to this URL for updated information.
For more on the Springfield issue, see our page Springfield Scrambles Full Time
For more on scrambling, see our page Scrambling Information

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